This review is about 2 weeks late. FIRST, and foremost, thank you to Sunny (best customer service experience I've received).
These models are made outside of the UK. They are so lifelike in texture and look.
'Cathy' is a lovely choice to make. I did about 3.5 hours of research and price comparing [all over the internet]. Nowhere did I find a better price for the product. These dolls ain't cheap but this is because of the hard labor, precise review, and art of it all. I believe soon these dolls will have voices, then 'personalities.' Get one early before they sell out or the price becomes too much to bare! BTW - the white/blue outfit is the FREE wardrobe the doll arrives with.
She arrives with Hair andEYES. Optional WIG and EYES shipped later. The doll in itself is one of the few that's over 5ft. As such, be careful when carrying as she can be heavy when transporting.
product review
This review is about 2 weeks late. FIRST, and foremost, thank you to Sunny (best customer service experience I've received). These models are made outside of the UK. They are so lifelike in texture and look. 'Cathy' is a lovely choice to make. I did about 3.5 hours of research and price comparing [all over the internet]. Nowhere did I find a better price for the product. These dolls ain't cheap but this is because of the hard labor, precise review, and art of it all. I believe soon these dolls will have voices, then 'personalities.' Get one early before they sell out or the price becomes too much to bare! BTW - the white/blue outfit is the FREE wardrobe the doll arrives with. She arrives with Hair andEYES. Optional WIG and EYES shipped later. The doll in itself is one of the few that's over 5ft. As such, be careful when carrying as she can be heavy when transporting.